Occult central retinal artery occlusion

Central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO) is a sight-threatening condition resulting from occlusion of the central retinal artery and hypoperfusion of the inner retina. Early on, fundal examination may be normal. The authors present a retrospective case series of 11 patients...

Choroidal and RNFL thickness in patients with OSAS

In obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSAS), hypoxia secondary to repetitive apnoeic episodes leads to blood pressure variations and haemodynamic changes. There is also intermittent activation of the sympathetic system when the patient is aroused from sleep during apnoeic episodes. OSAS...

Structural effects of migraine on the retina

Migraine is a common, chronic, multifactorial neuro-vascular disorder typically characterised by recurrent attacks of disabling headache and autonomic nervous system dysfunction (migraine without aura). Up to one third of patients also have neurological aura symptoms (migraine with aura). The objective...